Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Just the Facts Please

In beloved Christmas letter style form, I will bring you up to speed on the current happenings around here so I can move on to more important news, namely how I did NOT have any Easter candy today.

J is now a college student. Yippee! This means that he is still working at the University (thank you break in tuition), still working the farm, and now taking two classes. He looks so cute studying in front of his laptop. His goal is to get into the Computer Engineering program which is a long time interest and one he hopes will help us further our goals.S is the person writing this blog so you will probably get sick of hearing about her- BUT one honorable mention here: J and S started a beginning ballroom dance. Faced fears. Braved broken toes. Took the bull by the horns. It has been fun.... here is a picture:E is growing up. Growing up. Growing up. She surprises me daily with what she knows. And I should have a fairly good grasp on what she knows since I am the one teaching her! We started a lesson this week on coins. She already knew how to make the "cent" sign! I don't know how, but she did! She is doing great with learning to read, beginning writing and math concepts. So great, in fact, that the other day in a conversation I had with her she said- well, I'll just tell you the whole thing...
Me- "E, how do you think homeschooling is going?"
E- "good"
Me- "How do you think it will go next year?"
E- "Mommy! Next year I wont have homeschool! I'll already be done with this." (gestures to shelf of schoolbooks). Pauses. "I'll be learning to drive." Another pause. "Well, maybe I'll already know that too." Long pause. "Mommy! What are you doing?"
Me- "Writing down what you just said so I can tell Daddy"
E- "You're so funny, Mommy"
That about sums it up. She is a tremendous help with her two brothers, when she is not driving S to distraction with her constant directions. Mostly, though, she loves to help and be involved. She is in a dance class as well as a Bible study for kids. We also take part in some homeschool activities such as gym time or other group get togethers.
S is the funniest little guy! He is such a delight and joy to have around. Both J and I have a sadistic fondness for the "two's". We love when their personalities explode, watching their independence, and literally being able to see the wheels turn as they make one learning leap after another. S is no exception. Yesterday he tried to decline a nap (which he usually takes willingly) by saying, "Today is not my sleep day." A few days ago at breakfast J had told him the muffins were gone but he could have a wheat bagel or fruit. His reply?: "That's no fun!" He is loving the recent playdates with a cousin his "own size" and has just finished a little Daddy and Me soccer class. He was sometimes not sure how he felt about this class of 10 kids and their parents but definitely had some fun times.

L is kind of like our precious little family mascot. The other two kids truly adore him and are thrilled when they get a smile (or full belly laugh) from him. Which is a pretty easy accomplishment but dont tell them that. He has two little teeth- but teething has been pretty hard on him. Note soaked front in picture. That would be drool, drool and more drool. Usually I have bibs on him constantly and still change his clothes all the time. He isn't crawling yet, but I have a feeling we are looking at that excitement soon. The adoption process is moving along. I believe it will be late Fall before everything is final, but each step we take brings us a little closer. Everything that needs approval up to this point has that approval.
OK, this blogging thing is a lot of work. I'm taking a break for now!

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