One Liners

Mom. I dont have time to chat right now. (E)

Do you wwuuuvvv it?  (S)

You're my mommy..... and you YIKE me! (S)

(Me) Where's your gum?  (S) In my ear! 

Mommy, I love this family so much.  You and Daddy and S and L are just perfect for me! (E)

Will you save me of the backhoe? (S)

Grandma says I found one of her opossum molars from her nature collection! (E)

That book has scary pictures.  I shouldn't look at it. (S) (kids board book with tigers and bears)

Will you show me how you fell in the toilet? (E to S) 

I'm done being a boy. (S)

Could you work on a plan? (S)

Dear God, please let Mommy be able to keep making our dinners while we are little. (E)

I don't think anything about it.  (S- when asked what he thought of E's new hair cut) 

Pretend you're my mommy.  (E- to ME)

Not without a grownup! (S to me when asked if he wanted to go to the moon)

I want to be alone with my stinky diaper.  (S)

They say EVERY kid should have one! (E to me after seeing a kids commercial, for probably the first time ever, that advertised a stuffed animal/pillow.)

Some of us made strawberry jam.  (S to Grandma, carefully re-clarifying his previous statement after E made it clear that S did NOT help in the making of the jam)

I'm having a yucky lollipop.  I yike yucky lollipops, actually.  (S) 

LOCD DR  (handwritten sign on E's door.  Means LOCKED DOOR.  She really wants her own room!)

Mommy.  Look at me talking in my head.  (S, doing nothing discernable other than sitting still)

I'm going to go look in the mirror with my blue eyes. (S) 

Do you put the milk you pump back in your breast to feed the baby, or in a bottle? (E)

Did Santa bring the baby? (S)

(after me telling E to go clean her glasses and her returning with them very obviously still dirty)
Oh! I didnt know you wanted me to clean the insides... I just cleaned the outside.  (E)

We are the painters and you are the cleaner. (S to me as I am doing damage control on an art project)

You're growing up before my very eyes! (E to L in grown-uppy amazement)

You don't know him but his name is" Daddy". (S to A)

Is that book so I will be extracted at the doctors? (s) 

I like wearing jeans.... I just feel like such a teenager when I wear them.  (E) 

Daddys Suburu is a hot rod.  It doesnt have no conditioning. (S)

I didnt get a bath.  I dont have a penis.  (A- matterfactly explaining why Daddy didnt give her a bath the prevsiou night but the boys had to have one)

I better go on the side walk a fore a car squish me! (A)

I dont want to get married! (L to E while she is making him play mommy and daddy)