Thursday, April 7, 2011


Those of you who have known us very long know that we have both loved and bemoaned our "hold the baby as much as possible" parenting technique. Mostly because this has always included sleeping with the tiny people cradled in one arm or the other.... which has extended into literally years of no-sleep as everyone in our house ages 6 and under feels they need to be sleeping in mommy and daddy's bed.
Here are some of my favorite shots over the years....

Actually I really hate this picture- I cringe to think of if he had forgotten she (E) was there and rolled over...

S has a personal favorite of sleeping with daddy on the couch...

This is at a hotel on the coast, that is L.... I am the one levitating over air...

Sometimes someone will end up falling to sleep with their favorite doll over their face....

Sometimes two kiddos will settle for snuggling together....
Well, this time is no different, A still sleeps most soundly and best when tucked into the arm of someone... except now we are smarter and there are more arms.... we have recruited the six year old!
Yes, E's bedtime routine now includes her quiet time and then her requesting the baby to snuggle as they both usually fall asleep faces turned to eachother. It is very sweet. I check on them frequently to make sure blankets aren't over faces and then gather A when she starts to fuss or when I got to bed...

and S and A sometimes end up taking a nap together....

1 comment:

  1. Those are adorable sleeping pictures. I love that the kids sleep together--how sweet! We aren't sleeping much here either, so you're not alone! Here's to sleep--we'll get to do it in another 5 years or so :)
