Thursday, April 21, 2011

It's Tough Being Three

Tonight S and I did our nighttime ritual where he sits in my lap and tells me what he liked about the day and what he didn't like. Often there is nothing he can think of that he didn't like, or, hysterically, he will recount night after night one particular event that happened longer and longer ago on the calendar as if it happened that very day. Tonight my simple question was answered with a very fast little speech:

"It was crazy. There were hundred of people (pluralization intentionally omitted per speaker). I made burritos all day and had to make papers too. (Make papers? Ohhh... write papers). It was crazy busy."

These kids. They are such little imitators. It is truly terrifying. And these kids in particular love nothing more than sporting their daddy's colors...

For the past several weeks S has been telling E, whenever he is frustrated and just done with her- or also I have noticed just kind of randomly when he might want to illicit a reaction from her- to NEVER talk to him. EVER. Not until EASTER. When she protests, sometimes loudly and with tears, that Easter is a LONG time away, he encouragingly reassures her that she can talk to him on Easter. But he does not relent with his statements that she should not talk to him until then. Nor does he follow through and the two of them just keep right on playing. So it was somewhat amusidly that I heard him happily exclaim to his sister on the way to church on Sunday that it was EASTER! She could talk to him! All day!!

His sister drives him to distraction sometimes. I feel I have a fairly good insight into this, having driven my own younger brothers absolutely crazy as well. For this reason, I try and advocate for him as much as possible, but E is quite possibly much more bossy than I was. However, I was still surprised to hear from my husband that S had told him that he was "done living with E". When J tried to convince him that he would miss her, as well as the fact that this was her home where she needed to live, S told him that she could live at the local home improvement store. He went on to describe all the nice little houses that they have outside that he thought would be perfect for her. You know, the garden shed kits they have on display in the parking lot? Who know that this little sweet faced blond boy was secretly scoping out new quarters for E every time we took a trip to the home improvement store? He does like to go there allot....

S is not without some degree of responsibility for moments of uproar, chaos and mischief. Just tonight, while he and L were supposed to be sleeping, he literally FILLED L's crib with board books. The next time I went to check on them I found L sitting up looking through books that were layered three inches thick on his whole mattress. Thanks to big brother. The other day during a "time out" episode S innocently called from his room to me, "When you're done being frustrated can I come out?" I am reminded of a past episode of Apprentice when Piers Morgan told Trump that he didn't think he (Piers) was as bad as he was being made out to be or that his opponent, Trace Adkins, was as good. Trace agreed. I try to keep that in mind. Which isn't too hard when I have conversations with S like this:

(me) "You need to go to the bathroom and go pee pee"
(S) "I don't need to"

(me) "Go try, its nap time and you need to try"

(S) "Im not going to. I am just going to go wandering off"

or the other day when he announced at grace at the dinner table that he wasn't going to pray- saying; "God prays to ME! Someone has to pray to me." Which was almost as bad as his out of the blue assertion while we were reading books tonight that "There is only one God. ALL the Gods belong to me". I wonder if I could be messing this up any more? :)

He does truly love all his siblings, though. Lately L has been coming up to him throughout the day and giving him big bear hugs which he thinks is just great. He really wants to be allowed to reposition A when he is holding her like E gets to. And he and E? Well, most of the time they refer to eachother as, "Ma" and "Pa"... which I have no idea where they got but if you are ever over and hear E calling, "Pa?", she is not looking for J, she is looking for S. It's a strange, strange house we have here sometimes....

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful you're recording all of his amusing little sayings and such. He cracks me up!
