Thursday, May 1, 2014

Heidelberg- By Emma

Today's post brought to you by guest blogger Emma van Hecke!!

 On Wednesday, the 23rd, Sam and I went with my dad on a college excursion.
The first delay was when I woke up 20 minutes before 7:00 and 7:00 was when the bus was going to  leave. Sam, on the other hand, was up by 6:30. He and Dad were already ready. But we made it in time.
The bus we rode on was very cool. It had food, a bathroom, even window shades , and a tv.   
Our first stop was in Heidelberg  at the biggest technology company. There we saw a future telling video game. Our next stop was still in Heidelberg but in the real city. We took an hour long lunch at a restaurant. We all had a schnitzel. Then we got a guided tour in English.  It was a long walk around the town.
                                                                                                                                                                    Some interesting things

1. Finding out that I was standing on a bridge that was built 8 times with wood and all 8 times a flood had knocked it down so they finely built it out of stone.

2.Going to a church and hearing that the French stole all 8,000 Catholic books but a few years later they returned 38 of the books. Only the ones that were in German. The French still have the remaining books today.

3. The castle there was never finished and nobody ever actually ruled in it .

4. Heidelberg has been on fire 3 times . The French were ordered  to burn down the village twice .       The other time lightning struck Heidelberg. So Heidelberg dose not have any old buildings except three churches.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                5. The churches have shattered windows because of the shooting in World War 2.

6.The American army used Heidelberg as a base and is still using it now so it did not get bombed.

Sam, Dad and I had a fun time but we were very tired!
By Emma

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