Saturday, March 19, 2011

Welcome Baby

I so badly want to break my no-first-name policy in introducing our new little girl to you! Her name is so sweet, a tribute to her dad's heritage and has a lovely meaning of "merciful graciousness".

She arrived as planned, via C Section, on February 15th. 8 pounds 8 ounces, also what we expected. What I didn't expect was the fierce hollering she set about when born. And then getting right into the business of eating. With the help of wonderful friends and our great family we were able to have another memorable and peaceful hospital stay. The kids bounced back and forth between the hospital and home- visiting us and having sleep-over style parties with cousins and Grandma. I ate my delivered meals, napped, talked with J, a friend and I spent a few hours enthralled by a few (mind-boggling) cable TV shows that I didn't know existed and of course enjoyed being able to hold the tiny A for hours at a time. Near the end of the stay I began some complications resulting from a bad reaction to the adhesive bandaging. That turned into quite a mess and I almost didn't get to go home as planned on the 18th. But I did go home, on antibiotics, which I also had an allergic reaction to! I ended up with "botox-gone-bad" swollen lips, a full body rash and blisters in my mouth. Things got a little worse before they finally started to improve last week.... phew.
Baby is almost 5 weeks old now and is doing great. She does appear to have the same milk protein intolerance as S did, so it is no dairy and no soy for me! That's OK though, if I could just kick the jelly bean habit....
She is doing great and I expect will start giving us real smiles in the next couple weeks. Her siblings adore her and want to get a turn holding her several times a day. L is almost beside himself with his fascination with her. He tries regularly to remove each of her ears, such is his love for her! E has been promoted to being able to carefully reposition her when she is holding her all be herself and she thinks this is pretty great. S often gets to have nap time with her in our big bed.
There have certainly been "moments" but so far so good in this full household of six...

(Photos by professional)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!!! She is so beautiful. Can' wait to see you again--hope you're getting some sleep and rest from time to time.
