Saturday, May 1, 2010

Holy Guacamole!

So, once in a while.... every so often.... on a very occasional basis... you know, like hourly.... someone around here makes a mess. Sometimes it is a big mess- sometimes it is a little mess. Well, I think once it was a "little" mess. The most common variety of mess that we have is also the most difficult. Well, maybe not so much difficult as tediously annoying. It is the "general and complete household toy re-distribution". This involves taking one or two pieces of every toy and involving it with a few pieces of another in a series of small toy compilations. Apparently for the game to work you must also span the entire length of the house covering every square inch. A few doctor kit toys mixed in with the train stuff piled under the dining room table. Play food toys in the stuffed animal bin which has inexplicably been moved into the bathroom. A collection of dolls sweetly reading a collection of books whilst sitting on my bed. And a very long stream of trucks snaking its way through the refrigerator magnets on the kitchen floor. Lately this has been the mess that makes the husband and I wish for simpler days when the children only had one corn cob doll and a pea shooter.
The other day, though, at dinner, we experienced a new kind of mess. The kind that makes everyone freeze with eyes wide and mouth agape. Because we like to laugh (theoretically) at situations that a) no one got seriously hurt and b) there isn't anything else one can really do- we laughed and then took this picture:No. It was not "photo shopped".
This is E discovering what happens when you are animatedly gesturing while telling a story at the dinner table and you slam your hand down- just barely catching the edge of a bowl of liquefied avocado for the baby. What happens is this: the bowl flips and catapults upward spinning it's way through the air- its contents hurtling in each direction. The window on the far side of E got this same treatment, as did I sitting across from her.
Holy Guacamole!
After the picture taking we began cleanup. The second part of this particular mess involved the two year old. Who pitched in to help by feeding the baby, who does not care to have his dinner interrupted, regardless of the scope of the mess. How sweet is that?Oops. That's kind of a mess too....

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