One of our main appointments was a visit to a Vision Center with E. Last year I attended a talk on "vision" and how it differs from "eyesight". A person can have 20/20 eyesight and still have un-corrected issues with vision, such as tracking and focus. This is often missed at traditional optometrist offices. E has had her eyes checked at pediatric visits, no problems noticed. However, there were some thing I was noticing that I felt warranted a trip to this vision specialist. Sure enough, E is having trouble tracking. Her eyes do not work together at a single point on the page. She may see the sentence:
Paul played with his purple truck on the playground.
like this:
Pa ulplay edwith hispurp letru cko nthepla yg round.
You can see how that might make learning to read difficult!
So, the prescription was for her to try reading glasses. She and the friendly optician worked together (just the two of them, she is getting so big!) and picked out an adorable pair of purpley glasses with little flowers on the side. She really likes them! And they have made an amazing difference in her reading! She doesn't tire as easily, she recognizes words after she has read them a couple times previously and she doesn't try to "guess" as much at the story line instead of reading the words.
So here is a picture of E on Monday morning.... and a picture of her with her new reading glasses!
You are such an amazing person Steph! The intellect, intuition, and desire to be there for your children at their every need is truly inspiring! Your children are truly blessed to have such an amazing, wonderful mother.