Well, that isn't the direction that I am heading here. Mostly. So, the funny story is this... a while back ago, actually in June, I had the funny occasion to take a pregnancy test. It was actually pretty convenient because I happened to have one kicking around in the back of a drawer. Just a single one, not in its original box or anything. Or with any markings or directions on its foil wrapped self. Just a stick in a sleeve. Funnier yet... the results were two parallel lines! Two lines? Not the much easier version which is a plus sign or a minus sign. Those are intuitive tests! Should I make you do what I had to do? GOOGLE the results of my pregnancy test? "What does two lines on a pregnancy test mean?" Turns out... ha ha ha..... it means you are pregnant. Or more specifically, I am pregnant. Due in mid February. Ha ha ha. So we could have a conversation here about some of the more unplanned aspects of this... or perhaps some of the practical ramifications of adding baby number 4- under the age of 6. But here is the thing. 7 years ago we were told we would not be able to have children at all. Period. We began to pursue adoption options. Then we had E! We were shocked and thankful. Then we started foster care. And had S. Wow! Two! While we were still on a temporary leave of absence from foster care, our foster care certifier called us about L. We said yes and consequently, unexpected baby #3 entered our home! We have loved him from the beginning. So, really, this baby is not much different than baby 1,2, or 3! No, I am not thrilled about another C Section, that was very much not my plan at all. Yes, I wonder how many days a week my husband will come home to chaos. No, I do not know how we will all fit in this house...
But here are some great pictures to focus on when the worries may overwhelm....
And in closing, here is my advice for the day. A good rule of thumb is this: If you have gotten rid of all your maternity clothes then you should ALSO get rid of all old pregnancy tests kicking around. If you feel the need to have one on hand then you should ALSO go ahead and keep the tote of clothes. :)